Home > Awards > World Irrigation and Drainage (WID) Prize > Past WID Prizes > Brochure

The objective to promote sustainable irrigation and enhanced agriculture production to achieve food security around the world ICID has instituted the World Irrigation and Drainage Prize (WID Prize) and recognize the contributions made by an individual or an institution in the field of Irrigation and Drainage that have far reaching and wide impacts. The Prize is intended to recognize the work of dedicated professionals and institutions who have actively contributed to the development of Irrigation and Drainage during the past 15 years ensuring increased agricultural production at national, regional and international level. The award will be conferred upon an individual, a group of individuals or an institution without any discrimination whatsoever on the grounds of nationality, religion, race, gender, age or political belief.

The Prize which includes a cash award of US $10,000 and a ‘Citation Plaque’ citing the meritorious achievements of the winner shall be awarded every three years during the triennial World Irrigation Forum starting from 2013. The Prize amount may be shared in exceptional circumstances between more than one winner, each of whom is considered to merit the Prize, and divided equally. For more details on the WID procedure, conditions and Nomination Form can be accessed:

World Irrigation and Drainage Prize (WID Prize) - Procedure and Criteria
World Irrigation and Drainage Prize (WID Prize) - Nomination Form


Prof. Dr. Chandra Madramootoo receive the
3rd World Irrigation and Drainage Prize 2019, at Bali


WID Prize 2016


During the Opening Ceremony of WIF3, presentation of trophy by H.E. M. Basuki Hadimulyono, Minister for Public Works and Housing (PWH), Indonesia, prize money by H.E. Tian Xuebin, Vice Minister, Ministry of Water Resources of PR of China, and Er. Felix B. Reinders, President, ICID presented the World Irrigation and Drainage Prize, 2019 to Prof. Dr. Chandra Madramootoo for his sustained, long standing and highly committed work in irrigation and drainage sector worldwide through education, research, planning and international project implementation. The WID prize comprised of a cash award of US$ 10,000, citation and a trophy.


Ministry of Public Works and Housing Republic of Indonesia

Korea Rural Corporation (KRC)


Korea Rural Community Corporation (KRC)


Be a sponsor to WID Prize


4th World Irrigation Forum (WIF4), September 2022

The 4th World Irrigation Forum (WIF4) and the 73rd International Executive Council Meeting will be hosted by the Chinese National Committee on Irrigation and Drainage (CNCID) in September 2022 at Beijing, China. 


Contact: Executive Secretary, Chinese National Committee on Irrigation and Drainage (CNCID), E-mail: gaolh@iwhr.com,  cncid_office@sina.com, lihui.gao@qq.com, Website: http://www.cncid.org/cncid/index.htm



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